Making the most out of the webinar features

We understand that running a webinar can be a daunting task, particularly if you’re a virgin to the platform and the features on offer. A webinar is an online event, with the main differentiation from an web meeting being that you can present to much larger audiences. To learn more about the differences click here. Presenting to a large audience often means there is an element of pressure involved. Here are some handy tips to try and help you minimise the butterflies and present with as much panache as you see fit. Hopefully helping you make the most out of the features available to you.


You will have heard it before, the classic by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail. With this platform this really is the case, you’re setting yourself up for varying degrees of embarrassment if you fail to plan. Bear in mind that your audience are unlikely to sympathise with a company that hasn’t bothered to prepare. It’s crucial that you have a firm understanding of what you want to achieve with the features available. Whether this be generating new leads or training new recruits, you want to make sure that this is set out prior to holding your event. Obvious stuff, we know.

Once that’s all sorted you can start exploring the platform itself. Luckily webinar platforms, like our own make it very easy to plan with our step-by-step video tutorials. The next step is to choose how you would like to deliver your event. If you don’t feel confident enough to present live, you don’t have to. You can pre-record your event. This ensures everything is in tip top shape and you can revise and rehearse to your heart’s desire. Another nifty thing about the software is that you can have them on-demand, so even after you’ve finished broadcasting, they can still be accessed. Once you’ve got all the prep done and dusted, it’s time to start thinking about the content.

Content is King

The difference between your event being a huge success and being a huge failure lies in the content. The platform allows a variety of content to be uploaded beforehand. Your content will change depending on the purpose of your event, but the priority should be that it is engaging and relevant. Doing a launch for an exciting new product and then having a two-hour event featuring an Excel spreadsheet on sales projections isn’t going to cut it. If you have the time and resources why not do a trial run with people on the office. This will help you gauge if your featured content is hitting the spot.

Make sure whatever you include is worthwhile for your audience and justifies their investment in your event. There are also many features built into the platform that allow you to measure audience engagement. You’ll have access to polls, surveys, Q&A, all there with the purpose of helping you understand how your event is performing. Remember practice makes perfect, so if your content fails to wow your audience, take notes and try to improve for next time.

Make the most of the features

The platform is often rich in features. To produce the best quality events, you will want to make sure you are utilising as many features as you can. If you are trying to generate leads and grow your customer base, then make sure you are paying close attention to the analytics. Another great thing about the platform is you can customise how your audience registers for your event. Therefore, you can collect only the most important data.

Try to use the features creatively, to peak your audiences’ interest and leave a lasting impression. This will include interacting with them throughout the event. Making sure your content is relevant and following up with your audience once the event has concluded. You’re unlikely to improve future events without customer feedback. Use whatever constructive criticism you may receive to your advantage, to build bigger and better events.

Maybe not the ULTIMATE guide but we promise that following these tips will help you make the most out of your software.