Three ways flexible working can create a productive team
Let’s face it, we’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Flexible working and productivity are compatible, a match made in heaven. When we surveyed workers 79% believe working flexibly would make them more productive. The modern workforce is demanding flexible working and the notions of working nine-to-five being the recipe for productivity are dying out (cya). It’s all well and good us telling you that flexible working aids productivity, but how exactly? We’ve got not one, not two but three ways flexible working can benefit your workforce (lucky you).
Happiness inspires productivity
Flexible working is a great way to create a happier workforce. A survey of 1,564 UK employees found that a third listed flexible working as one of the biggest source of happiness, only falling short to salary. If flexible working is linked to employee happiness, how does happiness aid productivity? A meta-analysis (exciting stuff) of 339 independent studies found that higher employee wellbeing is associated with higher productivity and firm performance[1].
So how does flexible working help create a chirpier workforce? A lot of it can be put down to creating a better work life balance. By providing your employees with opportunities to look after their families, avoid the commute one day a week, allow them to come in an hour earlier and leave an hour earlier, you’re improving their mental well-being. They’re able to work when they feel most productive and this will lead to a happier, more trusting and less stressed company.
Money in motivation
A report carried out by HSBC looked at the tech sector, the most productive in the UK, and found that nine-out-of-ten workers said flexible working motivates them to be more productive at work[2]. A big grumble in the working world is that flexible working equals slacking. If you give people, the opportunity to work when they want then they simply won’t work. Although, what is largely ignored is that offering flexible working is ultimately a sign of trust. Trusting your staff will motivate them to get the job done, creating increased morale and hopefully increased revenue.
With meeting tech today there’s no excuse for your staff not to be motivated and productive away from the office. You’ve heard us drone on about the benefits of audio and video conferencing tech. One more time for luck. The tech really does make meetings between dispersed employees simples (it’s now in the dictionary). A staff member can now be just as effective from their living room as they can from their desk and can also pick the kids up from school.
Attract the best talent
Our survey found that 81% of people believe that flexible working would make a job more attractive to them. By being a company that embraces flexible working you are casting your recruiting net far and wide! Not only will your current employees be more likely to stay at your company, reducing staff turnover but you also don’t have to restrict your search. You can look at hiring remote workers if you wish, having teams across the globe (how exciting). Offer flexible working and watch the CVs flood in, allowing you to single out only the best and most productive workers!
Flexi is the bestie
The nine-to-five is no longer the accepted solution for peak productivity. Flexible working is vital for job satisfaction with 69% of employees in London who work flexibly being satisfied or very satisfied compared to 52% who don’t[3]. Job satisfaction brings heaps of benefits, higher engagement, more retention, the list goes on. A world that works flexibly is the future, so it’s time to embrace it!