Bad work habits might be tendencies that you subconsciously develop over time. They’re comfortable, easy and quick, but could also be killing your performance. Much like eating a dreamy quadruple chocolate biscuit (and its effect on your waistline), the short-term benefits have long-term disadvantages, such as fewer customers for your company. So how do you […]
3 ways unified communications can help transform your business
How does this sound? Easy, cohesive, cross-device communication with anyone in your business anywhere in the world. Unified communications gives you that. It’s a potential game changer, when it comes to helping transform your business. Unified communications means channelling many kinds of business discussion into one platform that ‘lives’ in the cloud. So, employees could exchange […]
Office Stereotypes – Infographic
Remote working has huge benefits for individuals as well as businesses. But sometimes, there’s nothing better than working in an office; the banter, the awkward interaction between staff in the hallways and the “one quick pint” after work with your colleagues. However, every office also has those couple of workers with a myriad of frustrating […]
Time is a changing….
So here we are… It’s been an exciting year at PowWowNow as we’ve rebranded our business and moved to a new product proposition. The lead up to 2019 is an exciting time… PowWowNow was founded in 2004 with the purpose of making it easier for people and businesses to connect. We are now Europe’s fastest […]
Small things make a big difference in the workplace
We’ve all heard it before – it’s the little things that count, and when we look back on our lives in years to come, it’s the small details that we’ll appreciate the most. But what about today? As we zoom through our weekly routine, just how much of a difference do the little things really […]
Share how you #wfh and win in our latest giveaway
With 100% of our staff now working from home, it’s safe to say it can be a challenging period. Yeah sure, you get to skip the daily commute. Yeah sure, you can work from bed if you fancy it (we wouldn’t advise this). But, with working from home comes a change in routine and as […]
3 reasons why you need a webinar platform
In order to need something, it’s probably best to understand what it is you need. A webinar can be summed up as a platform that allows you or your company to host large-scale events. The reason for choosing this software varies company from company but we thought we’d highlight our top reasons for adopting the […]
The Advantages of Video Conferencing
Hate travelling across town for just one meeting? A lot of the time, so do we. That’s why video conferencing is a simple and easy solution to avoid those long commutes. Here are some of the advantages of video conferencing: More flexibility No matter how much notice you give for a meeting, it’s inevitable that […]
The need to know benefits of screen share
Out of all the techy tricks that come with online meetings, sharing your screen has got to be in the upper echelon of techy tricks. Right alongside the big players like conference and video calls. Screen sharing allows anyone in your meeting to view your screen. Gone are the days of being on a phone […]
4 screen share mistakes and how to avoid them
We all make mistakes, it’s how we learn from them that matters (poetic, we know). Even though we believe that sharing your screen is a piece of cake, unfortunately that doesn’t mean errors don’t happen. We’ll look at what we believe to be 4 of the most common screen share mistakes and steps you can […]